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ZRapid Tech on the hot broadcast TV show <i>The Amazing Suzhou Bay</i>
The Amazing Suzhou Bay 3D Print popularization of science

​近日, 吴江电视台The Amazing Suzhou Bay栏目组走进ZRapid Tech, 采访了ZRapid Tech副CEO周洪波先生, 同时也为广大观众打造了一场别开生面的"3D Print popularization of science".

ZRapid Tech cooperate with 2016 Additive Manufacturing summit to develop the industry
innovate Additive Manufacturing industry

2016年7月16日, 由工业和信息化部工业文化发展中心和泰州市人民政府主办的2016增材制造(3D Print)产业创新峰会, 在泰州international金陵大酒店隆重开幕, ZRapid Tech副CEO周洪波先生受邀出席了本次峰会, 并发表精彩演讲.

【Focus】Dubai will have more than 25% of the buildings using 3D print technology in 2030
Dubai Buildings technology

近年来, Dubai对3D Print表现出强烈的兴趣, 其副总统提出的"3D Print战略"包括了3D PrintmedicalProduct / 3D Print消费者Product以及3D PrintBuildings, 而预计到2030年, Dubai25%的Buildings将采用3D Printtechnology!

【Focus】At the White House Science Exhibition, Obama was intrigued by 3D printing "blowing bubbles"

ZRapid导读3D Printtechnology被称为能引发下一次工业革命的中坚力量!如今该technology已不断向航空航天 / medical / automobile / 模

【Focus】How 3D print to change the future of the medical

ZRapid聚焦毋庸置疑, 3D Print逐步向社会各领域渗透. 本文重点讲述的3D Print对Medical field的应用, 有专家预测:

【Focus】The potential is only limited by your imagination--3D print make the beautiful thing beyond your expectation

3D Print的"design无限制"的优点, 注定让3D Print成为design师的新宠. ZRapid Tech一直走在international3D Printtechnology的前沿, 致力于将您的任何创意变为现实!

【Focus】Real Case: 3D Print doubled the jeweler’s profit
profit jeweler

ZRapid导读这家名为Suuz的珠宝design公司, 只有6名工程师, 但因为3D Print, 他们的订单成本增长. 3D Print

【Focus】3D print tech expected to become "potential stocks" in innovation industry
manufacturing potential stocks

近年来, 随着政府和媒体的关注度提升, 3D Printtechnology逐渐走入公众视野. 毋庸置疑的是: 无论从design环节还是生产环节, 亦或是分销环节, 3D Print都有着无可比拟的优势. 正因如此, 业内人士指出: 3D Print有望成为革新manufacturing的"potential stocks"!

Entrepreneurs can not miss the 5 Science and technology opportunities in 2016

ZRapid导读在国家创新驱动发展战略的大背景下, 机遇迎面而来. 看准投资领域, 或许你就是下一个"比尔盖茨".

【Focus】Expert: the development of 3D printing industry is into the fast lane
fast lane

ZRapid导读毋庸置疑, 国内外的3D Print市场已步入fast lane, 而国内以ZRapid Tech为代表的3D Print先导企业, 正将

Metal 3D printed rocket engine combustor successfully passed NASA test
matel engine NASA

【3D Printtechnology应用】美国Military project巨头Orbital ATK昨日宣布, 在美国宇航局Langley研究中心成功测试了

5 year old amputee boy installed 3D print hand, its agile at a low cost

【3D PrintNews】近日武汉市第三医院完成了首例在烧伤截肢患儿身上成功安装3D Print手的手术. 通过3D Printtechnology, 帮

For the first time, scientists have 3D printed living brain tissue and it stays alive for 30 days
scientists medical

【3D PrintNews】3D Printtechnology或者生物打印technology在生物医学方面的应用一直为世人瞩目, 因为在这方面研究一旦突破, 很

ZRapid Tech, see you on 8th December Shanghai
electromechanical exhibition

【exhibitioninformation】ZRapid electromechanical, 12月上海见!

【exhibitioninformation】ZRapid Tech will participate the 2015 China International (Shenzhen) touch screen exhibition hall 2 booth 3A88
international China Shenzhen touchscreen exhibition

【exhibitioninformation】 exhibition名称: 2015年第十五届China(Shenzhen)internationaltouchscreen展览会(

【exhibitioninformation】ZRapid will participate the International(Dongguan)Metal Casting Show(IMCS)
international information exhibition

ZRapid Tech metal 3D printer has been identified as the New Provincial Products
Product matel printer

【News】2015年11月14日, 吴江ZRapidelectromechanical科技有限公司成功举办了金属printer(iSLM100) / Approx. 束型紫外

ZRapid Tech CEO Dr. Zhou Hongzhi was invited to participate the industrial design and 3D printing industry alliance meeting in Suzhou city.
doctor meeting CEO industrial design Suzhou

【News】11月6日, ZRapid TechCEO周宏志doctor应邀参加了Suzhouindustrial design与3D Print产业联盟meeting.

【exhibitioninformation】ZRapid will soon participate the 12th China Optics Valley International Optoelectronics Expo 2015
international China information exposition photoelectron

【exhibitioninformation】exhibition名称: 2015第十二届"China光谷" internationalphotoelectronexposition(武汉光博会)参展企业: ZRapidelectromechanical科技有限

Are you going to buy a $53,000 3D print car?

【3D Printtechnology应用】在美国最近举办的一场automobile3D Print大赛上, 美国洛克automobile公司展示了多款打印的automobile作品. 经过最

3D print designed tank guide chain
Military project

【3D Printtechnology应用】近来, 很多人热衷于3D Printer器人, 而且大部分人已经可以自己打造remote control car或者其他简单的移动机

What are you going to do on Halloween this year ? 3D printed costume make you stand out of others

【3D Printtechnology应用】距离万圣节已经不到一周的时间了, 你可以去商店购买万圣节的装扮, 你也可以通过3D Print让你的

First 3D printing skull in China attracted onlookers

【3D Printtechnology应用】3D Print的"私人订制""骷髅头" / 在第74届Chinainternationalmedical器械(秋季)exposition上惊艳亮相. 超

3D Print世界上最快的remote control car 时速325公里
remote control car

【3Dtechnology应用】3D Print世界上最快的remote control car 时速325公里

With the help of 3D printing, China completed the world's first funnel chest surgery
China medical

【3Dtechnology应用】近日, 第四军医大学唐都医院首次利用3D Printtechnology, 为一名患者进行漏斗胸矫正手术, 在漏斗胸矫正史

ZRapid will participate the 3rd Shanghai International 3D Printing Intelligent Manufacturing Exhibition 2015
international exhibition electromechanical

【exhibitioninformation】ZRapid will participate the 3rd Shanghai International 3D Printing Intelligent Manufacturing Exhibition 2015(Shanghai Inte

ZRapid was invited to participate in international 3D Printing Exhibition in Guangzhou
international exhibition electromechanical printing

【exhibitioninformation】ZRapidelectromechanical科技应邀参加2015年第九届广州international3D Print展览会 exhibition时间: 2015年9月1

3D print exquisite

【3D Print应用】如今, 越来越多的艺术家开始把3D Print作为创作工具, 帮助实现自己的艺术理

ZRapid technology  and Jiangnan Jiajie work together to create the 3D printing research and development platform
Equiment Jiangnan Jiajie

【News】 6月1日, 吴江ZRapidelectromechanical科技有限公司(以下简称"ZRapidelectromechanical")近日与上市公司江南嘉捷签署了战略

ZRapid technology participate the 7th Suzhou international elite entrepreneurial week 2015 as the theme of "gather global wisdom, create entrepreneurial paradise"
international exhibition

【News】7月10日, ZRapid Techelectromechanical有限公司作为参会嘉宾参与了以"汇聚全球智慧 / 打造创业天堂"为主题

Dr. Zhou Hongzhi, president of ZRapid Technology, was invited to participate in the Suzhou international elite innovation and entrepreneurship special meeting
doctor innovation president meeting

【News】7月11日, 来自16个国家和地区的几百多位创新创业精英相聚吴江, 共同奏响2015吴江international精英创新创业洽谈会的

ZRapid technology won the 2015 Jiangsu industrial enterprise quality credit class A
industrial enterprise

【News】2015年6月30日, Suzhou质量technology监督局公示了 "2015年江苏省工业企业质量信用A级企业名单

3D print concept racing car: 1 liter of gasoline run 640 kilometers
racing car

【3Dtechnology应用】今年夏天, 在欧洲举办的一些automobiledesign比赛中, 3D Print发挥了重要作用. 其中, 2

First time successfully use 3D print technology to assist remove liver tumor in Southwest China
technology medical

【行业information】7月20日, 记者从云南省第一人民医院获悉, 该院肝胆外一科主任孙志为率领的团队在西南首次利用3D

is a national high-tech enterprise dedicating to Industrial 3D Printing equipments, 3D Printing softwares, 3D Printing materials development, production, sales and technical services. We are the leading supplier of 3D printers in China and we provide a one-stop 3D printing solution globally.